Financing Strategies for Investment Property Purchasers: Accelerate Wealth Creation

  • Financing Strategies

    For those venturing into property investment, the right financing strategies are essential not just for securing an investment property, but for accelerating wealth creation and achieving financial freedom. By utilising the Asymmetrical Growth Method, savvy investors aim to maximise wealth potential with minimal risk—and we can guide you through this process.

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  • Strategy 1: Leverage Property Investment to be Debt-Free Within 7-10 Years

    Property investment is more than just owning assets—it’s a powerful tool for wealth creation and debt elimination. With property prices historically doubling approximately every 10 years, strategic investments can significantly reduce your debt by achieving:

    • 41% growth after 5 years
    • 62% growth after 7 years

    The right debt strategy is key to maximizing your property investment opportunities and reducing debt the smart way, positioning you to be debt-free in 7-10 years.

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  • Strategy 2: Structure Debt to Maximise Leverage and Minimise Risk

    Proper debt structuring is essential for long-term wealth creation. Poorly structured debt can limit your financial flexibility, access to cash, and negotiating power for better interest rates. In some cases, it could even force premature lump sum debt reduction. Conversely, a well-structured debt strategy offers opportunities for:

    • Access to more cash
    • Lower interest rates and repayments
    • Greater flexibility to control your financial future
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  • Strategy 3: Reduce Repayments to Fuel Wealth Creation

    Reducing loan repayments can be a strategic move that accelerates wealth creation. Lowering your repayments frees up cash flow, which can then be used to reduce debt faster or be reinvested to grow your wealth. There are six ways to lower your repayments—reach out to us to find the one that suits you best.

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  • Strategy 4: Debt Recycling to Own Your Home Debt-Free Faster

    Debt recycling is an advanced strategy that converts your non-deductible home debt into tax-deductible investment debt, helping you to own your home debt-free sooner.

    Propel Your Financial Future Now

    These financing strategies for investment property purchasers are designed to not only help you manage debt but also to leverage it for wealth creation. Whether your goal is to pay off your home loan faster or to build a substantial investment portfolio, these strategies provide a clear pathway to financial success.

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What our clients say

  • Sue’s Story

    Sue wanted to save money off her home loan and her investment property loans.

    Listen to Sue explain her experience with her mortgage broker, Adam King, and the massive impact the advice had on her life.

  • Lucinda’s Story

    Lucinda wanted to restructure her finances, so needed someone who really knows their stuff – when it comes to combining business and residential finance.

    Listen to Lucinda explain how quickly and efficiently her mortgage broker from Exactly was able to identify her needs and restructure her loans.